If you've been wondering what Isabel (and we) have been going through, check out this NY Times article our doctor recommended we read about colic: "
Colicky Baby? Read This Before Calling an Exorcist."
I read Dr. Karp's book,
Happiest Baby on the Block, mentioned here, and Oti and I follow it pretty well. Isabel has been doing great lately and didn't have a colickly outburst at all yesterday (OK, briefly at the Dr's office when she peed all over Oti!). We hope the baby Zantac is working (she was diagnosed with reflux :(.
Yesterday she received her first immunization shots (well, she got one in the hospital at birth), and she did great after the initial shock of the needle. I think Oti and I were more in pain than she was! She's now 9 lbs ( 4.082 kilos), and 22 inches (55.88 cm).
On another front - she's starting to get some red hair!