Isabel has officially regained her birth weight as of today (actually, she's now a bit more than her birth weight coming in at 5 lbs 13+ oz as of this afternoon). This is a big deal for
any parent, and in fact, it's expected within the first two weeks. But, for
Oswaldo and me it was a big cause for celebration since we were on a daily weight watch in her first few days because she's so small. We're still feeding her formula supplements per the doctor's orders, but she finally has a
mushie tushie so we're out of the woods.
And, she's about to outgrow her first favorite sleep outfit (OK, it's the ONLY one that fits her), and she's already outgrown many of her preemie hats.
As for my weight, I'm doing pretty well. Here is the secret to all you new moms - THERE IS NO TIME TO EAT!!! Actually, my parents have been awesome on that front. Dad was on breakfast and lunch detail and mom has cooked up some yummy dinners. We finally learned to time our meals around Isabel's feeding schedule (although someone forgot to tell her that!).