Today was Isabel's first visit to the doctor's office (because she's so tiny, they want to make sure she's gaining enough weight (stay tuned for the post titled "Feeding every two hours = feeding constantly"). She looked so cute in her car seat (Technically not a first car ride, but I was so focused on Oswaldo not driving more than 2 miles an hour on the ride home from the hospital yesterday that I couldn't take in her first car seat experience until today).
It was also the first time I got to fill out a form where I wrote "Isabel Sandoval", my name, and under the "relationship" field I got to write "MOTHER." Holy cow! I'm a mother! I cried a little.
Other firsts today for Isabel:
- First smelly poop (she's gonna kill me in 15 years) and other gas related things
- First manicure (I filed the nails on one hand)
- First time I had sushi in 8 months
- First time I walked out of my way to hold the door open for a mom with a stroller
- First time I weighed my self after giving birth
Chicos, you already make me feel like a crappy papi. keep the profile low, if my kids and wife start checking your pictures/blog/how well you treat izzy then they are going to start asking questions... set the bar low.
izzy, you are a luky bebe. cool and loving parents, what else can you ask for. can't wait to go to a pink floyd concert together :o)
Laughed a lot with your "firsts" comment. get ready for many many many more.... :o)
Congratulations to both!!!
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